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Posts Tagged ‘Contest Entry’

We entered a writing contest!

Orion found a writing contest where you could get your story critiqued, then published. The theme for the contest was creatives. The story had to center around someone being creative: writing, singing, painting, etc. We spent a couple hours brainstorming about what we could write that would fit that theme and still tie into The Third War series.

Our idea involved a singing duo who wrote a song and were trying to get a record deal. We made them Xerians who were just waking up and realizing that something was missing in their life. Their third partner. In writing the story, we began by writing their song and then wrote the story around it.

Now that the contest is in the judging phase, we can proudly share this story with you. Head on over to Our World Fell Apart, read the story and then come back here and let us know what you think.  