Dreaming of Xeres Is Now Available
As of this morning, Dreaming of Xeres is available on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback. It’s been a long road getting here and Orion and I would like to thank everyone who helped make this a reality. From David and Scott who provided financial support and encouragement, to our amazing beta readers, Kori K., Jeromy J., Leslee F., Toni K., and David W. whose feedback and attention to detail helped make the book better than it would have been otherwise. We’d also like to thank Laura LaRoche of LLPix Designs for her amazing cover artwork. We look forward to working with her again when we finish book two.
We hope everyone enjoys Dreaming of Xeres. Feel free to comment below and let us know what you thought of the book. Also, please take two minutes to write a review on Amazon to let other people know what you thought of the book.