How We Write – The Doctor Will See You Now

This is probably the shortest piece we’ve ever written! And from only one prompt, too: Spring. While the other writers in the group went with the season of spring, we went elsewhere. Just a sweet old lady going to the doctor…


“The doctor will see you now, Mrs. Tobor.”

“Thank you, dear.” Eyes twinkling, she smiled at the nurse. “You’re always so helpful when I come in with a little problem.”

“Please wait here in exam room three. Dr. Stein will be right with you.”

Several minutes went by before the doctor bustled in.

“Good afternoon, Vomisa. What seems to be the problem?” He helped her up onto the examination table.

“Well, I was leaning over Jonathan…he has the flu, poor dear…and I got this twinge in my back. It felt like something snapped. Ever since then, whenever I bend over, I get stuck and have to have help to stand back up again.” She covered her mouth. “It’s embarrassing.”

“Well, that kind of thing happens to everyone as they get older. Why don’t you roll on your side and let me have a look.”

She looked at him over her shoulder as he began examining her.

“I hope it isn’t anything serious, Frank. My dears are all down sick. They need me there to take care of them. The best part of my job as a grandma is getting to take care of the kids.”

“I actually go by Ned these days. It’s my middle name.” The doctor poked and prodded at her for a few minutes, humming a tune under his breath.

“Aha! I found what’s wrong.” He grabbed a tool from the table beside him. “I’ll have you back with your grandkids in no time.”

Once he’d finished, she stood and effortlessly bent over. Straightening back up, she cried, “Oh, thank you, doctor!”

“You’d just broken a spring, my dear.” He smiled and patted her shoulder. “By the way, don’t forget you’ve got your annual tune-up and fluid refill next month.”



This story was inspired by Kyros’ love of a made-for-TV movie from the early 80s called The Electric Grandmother. The family had a robot grandma who helped raise the kids. At the end of the movie, she even came back to help with the now-adult children’s kids.

Fun fact: Walt Whitman’s poem, I Sing The Body Electric, inspired Ray Bradbury to write a short story with the same name. That short story served as the basis for both the 100th episode of the original Twilight Zone TV show and The Electric Grandmother made-for-TV movie.

Oh, and did you find the Easter eggs we hid in the story?

Doctor Stein’s first name was Frank and his middle name is Ned. So, he’s Dr. Frank N. Stein.

And our grandma’s name, Vomisa Tobor? It’s Asimov Robot spelled backward. The clues were there, did you catch them?

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